Garcia MM, Kline AM, Onodera K, Tsukano H, Dandu PR, Acosta HC, Kasten M, Manis PB, Kato HK. (2025) Noncanonical Short-Latency Auditory Pathway Directly Activates Deep Cortical Layers. [PDF at Preprint Server]

Tsukano H, Garcia MM, Dandu PR, Kato HK. (2024) Predictive filtering of sensory response via orbitofrontal top-down input. [PDF at Preprint Server]

Kline AM, Aponte DA, Kato HK. (2023) Distinct nonlinear spectrotemporal integration in primary and secondary auditory cortices. Scientific Reports 13:7658. †Equally contributed. [PDF at Journal] [PubMed] [PDF at Preprint Server]

Narayanan DP, Tsukano H*†, Kline AM†, Onodera K†, Kato HK*. (2023) Biological constraints on stereotaxic targeting of functionally-defined cortical areas. Cerebral Cortex 33:3293. †Equally contributed. *Corresponding author. [PDF at Journal] [PubMed] [PDF at Preprint Server]

Onodera K and Kato HK
. (2022) Translaminar Recurrence from Layer 5 Suppresses Superficial Cortical Layers. Nature Communications 13: 2585. [PDF at Journal] [PubMed] [PDF at Preprint Server]

Ung RL, Ortiz-Juza MM, Curtis VR, Alghorazi RA, Velazquez-Hernandez G, Ring A, Garcia-Reyes RA, Stuber GD, Zhou P, Kato HK, Pégard NC, Rodriguez-Romaguera J. (2022) Prepronociceptin-expressing neurons in the extended amygdala signal darting away from an aversive odor. bioRxiv 2022.02.21.481217. [PDF at Preprint Server]

Kline AM, Aponte DA, Tsukano H, Giovannucci A, Kato HK. (2021) Inhibitory gating of coincidence-dependent sensory binding in secondary auditory cortex.
Nature Communications 12: 4610. [PDF at Journal] [PubMed] [Preprint of an earlier version at bioRxiv]

Aponte DA, Handy G, Kline AM, Tsukano H, Doiron B, Kato HK. (2021) Recurrent network dynamics shape direction selectivity in primary auditory cortex.
Nature Communications 12: 314. [PDF at Journal] [PubMed]

Zhou ZC, Huang WA, Yu Y, Negahbani E, Stitt IM, Alexander ML, Hamm JP, Kato HK, Fröhlich F. (2020) Stimulus-specific regulation of visual oddball differentiation in posterior parietal cortex. Scientific Reports 10: 13973. [PubMed]

Gillet SN, Kato HK, Justen M, Lai M, Isaacson JS. (2018) Fear learning regulates cortical sensory representations by suppressing habituation. Front Neural Circuits 11: 112. [PubMed]

Kato HK*, Asinof SK, Isaacson JS*. (2017) Network-level control of frequency tuning in auditory cortex. Neuron 95: 412-423. *Corresponding author. [PubMed]

Kato HK*, Gillet SN, Isaacson JS. (2015) Flexible sensory representations in auditory cortex driven by behavioral relevance. Neuron 88: 1027-1039. *Corresponding author. [PubMed]

Boyd AM, Kato HK, Komiyama T, Isaacson JS. (2015) Broadcasting of cortical activity to the olfactory bulb. Cell Reports 10:1032-1039. [PubMed}

Kato HK, Gillet SN, Peters AJ, Isaacson JS, Komiyama T. (2013) Parvalbumin-Expressing Interneurons Linearly Control Olfactory Bulb Output. Neuron 80:1218-1231. [PubMed]

Kato HK†, Chu MW†, Isaacson JS, Komiyama T. (2012) Dynamic sensory representations in the olfactory bulb: modulation by wakefulness and experience. Neuron 76:962-75. †Equally contributed. [PubMed]

Kato HK, Kassai H, Watabe AM, Aiba A, Manabe T. (2012) Functional coupling of the metabotropic glutamate receptor, InsP3 receptor and L-type Ca2+ channel in mouse CA1 pyramidal cells. J. Physiol. 590:3019-34. [PubMed]

Tsuboi A, Imai T, Kato HK, Matsumoto H, Igarashi KM, Suzuki M, Mori K, Sakano H. (2011) Two highly homologous mouse odorant receptors encoded by tandemly-linked MOR29A and MOR29B genes respond differently to phenyl ethers. Eur. J. Neurosci. 33:205-13. [PubMed]

Kato HK, Watabe AM, Manabe T. (2009) Non-Hebbian Synaptic Plasticity Induced by Repetitive Postsynaptic Action Potentials. J. Neurosci. 29:11153-60. [PubMed]